Ayrshire Post

Sex offender moved to Birmingham without consent


An Ayr sex offender who “disappeare­d” without telling the police has been told he must live under supervisio­n in South Ayrshire for the next three years.

Charles Lees was caught with indecent photos of children just five days after being put on the sex offenders’ register.

Lees, who was supposed to inform police of any change of address, then travelled nearly 300 miles to Birmingham without telling them.

The 37- year- old appeared via videolink at Hamilton Sheriff Court last Wednesday.

At a previous hearing he admitted downloadin­g indecent images of children and failing to notify police within three days of his new address.

The court heard he was placed on the sex offenders’ register at Ayr Sheriff Court on October 10.

Police from the offenders’ management unit visited his flat in Campbell Court on October 15.

They checked his mobile phone and found an indecent image of a girl aged about 12.

Detailed examinatio­n of the device followed and a further 12 indecent images of girls and one video were discovered.

Lees was charged and appeared in court, but was then released on bail.

Kim McGregor, prosecutin­g, said: “A social worker went to his home on January 22, but there was no trace of him.

“He was contacted by phone and said he had moved to Birmingham to be closer to his adoptive parents and did not intend to return to Scotland.”

Ms McGregor said police officers traced Lees to an address in Birmingham.

Defence agent John Gallagher admitted a criminal justice social work report on his client “makes for mixed reading”.

He said Lees, who had been in custody since February 3, intends to return to South Ayrshire.

Mr Gallagher added: “Homeless accommodat­ion will be made available and there will be a high level of supervisio­n in the community.”

Sheriff Desmond Leslie imposed a three- year community payback order and put Lees on the sex offenders’ register for the same period.

He is banned from unsupervis­ed contact with anyone under the age of 18 and there will be strict conditions on his internet use.

Sheriff Leslie told him: “You must remain in South Ayrshire for the three- year period.

“That means, unless you have my express consent, you don’t disappear again to Birmingham.

“If you do you’ll be jailed for a considerab­le period.”

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