Ayrshire Post

Thug stabs party guests with corkscrew


A thug stabbed fellow guests with a corkscrew when he went on the rampage at a hair salon party.

Two men needed hospital treatment while Nathan Campbell fled to Spain after the “utterly unprovoked” attacks.

Campbell, 24, of Troon, was jailed for 21 months after admitting carrying out the assaults in nearby Prestwick on August 3 last year.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard the violence flared during a party at hairdresse­r David Armstrong’s Main Street salon.

Revellers had been enjoying the town’s annual music festival, Prestfest.

Campbell admitted assaulting Lauchlan Tait and Gordon Graham to their severe injury and possessing an offensive weapon, a corkscrew.

Prosector Kim McGregor said the party had been organised for family, friends and customers – and there was a DJ.

There was no sign of trouble as Campbell chatted to Lauchlan and they arranged to meet later for a drink.

Ms McGregor told the court: “At one point, Campbell was on his own and a female asked if he was OK.

“He replied, ‘ Watch this’, and she saw him pick up something from the salon counter and go into the street where Mr Tait was talking to other people.

“Campbell punched him on the back of the head and when Mr Tait turned round and asked what he was doing, he was struck again on the head and body.

“Mr Tait stumbled and fell. “Campbell was seen to have a silvercolo­ured item in his hand and he struck Mr Tait multiple times.

“The attack continued as the victim was lying on the road.

“Gordon Graham took hold of Campbell, who struck him on the head and body. Other members of the public intervened to stop the accused carrying out further attacks. One witness said Campbell was physically shaking and his eyes were bouncing from side to side.

“The witness suspected he was under the influence of drugs.

“Campbell was photograph­ed throwing the corkscrew away before he ran off.

“The entire incident was captured on CCTV. ”

Mr Tait had five stitches put in due to wounds to his arm and five cuts to his head were glued. He has been left “psychologi­cally ” harmed by the attack. Mr Graham had a hand wound stitched. Ms McGregor said police went to Campbell’s home and were told he had left with his passport and a suitcase.

His blood- soaked clothing was found in the washing machine.

The fiscal added: “Inquiries at Glasgow Airport revealed he’d taken a 6am flight to Alicante in Spain. A warrant was issued and he was arrested on March 12 this year.”

Sheriff Douglas Brown told Campbell, who admitted previous conviction­s, that an appropriat­e prison sentence was 30 months, but that would be reduced to 21 months because of his guilty pleas.

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Nathan Campbell jailed for violent assault on guests at party in Prestwick
Attacker Nathan Campbell jailed for violent assault on guests at party in Prestwick

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