Ayrshire Post

Thank you for saving my dad

Family heap praise on ‘ amazing’ NHS staff


The family of a dad who spent 56 days in intensive care battling coronaviru­s have praised selfless NHS heroes who worked round the clock to save him.

Dad- of- three George Clark, 61, of Prestwick, spent nearly eight weeks on a ventilator at Ayr Hospital after being struck by the virus.

He has now been transferre­d out of ICU and is on the road to recovery.

His family, wife Fiona 57, daughter Rebecca, 25, sons Ryan, 27, and 22- year- old Steven, say they can’t thank everyone enough who played a part in saving his life.

Rebecca, a primary school teacher, said: “I don’t have enough praise for the ICU team at Ayr because they were just on it, working round the clock so hard.

“They were amazing.

“Even with COVID, they were absolutely putting themselves at risk every day to treat my dad.

“They must have been so busy but they always had the time to phone and have a good proper chat.”

George, who has worked as a design engineer for Prestwick’s Ampcontrol for 46 years, began showing symptoms of a cold before coughing fits took a toll on him.

He was rushed to hospital on Saturday, March 21– days before lockdown– where his oxygen levels dropped to 83 per cent.

Rebecca said: “It was just a typical cold, nothing too bad at all.

“And then it had just gotten too bad and my mum decided that it wasn’t right.

“He was getting himself into massive coughing fits.

“They put him on oxygen and he was kept in the assessment unit for a couple of days and treated with antibiotic­s.

“But his breathing just got worse and they decided that he needed to be moved to ICU.

“He was sedated for the next six or seven weeks and ventilated for the next seven and half.”

George was given many tests, including heart scans and a brain scan.

He received a tracheotom­y, a surgical procedure to insert a breathing tube into a patient’s windpipe.

NHS staff ploughed on and kept in constant contact with the Clark family, due to strict no visitation rules, while the community united in prayer for George.

Nurses would even hold a hospital mobile to George’s ear every night so that the family could chat to him and play him his favourite song- Adele’s Someone Like You.

Rebecca said: “It was really hard because you just felt helpless.

“There was nothing you could do – and we knew he was in the most incredible care and the best hands.

“Through being able to speak to the anaestheti­st, the ICU doctors and nurses made the difference.

“It was just a little bit of comfort for us to still be able to talk to him.

“We didn’t know if he could hear anything but if there was anything that you could do you’d do.

“We sort of lived between phone calls at the time – you were just waiting for the next phone call.

“And thank you to everyone in the community who gave their best wishes and prayers. It meant the world to us and that helped us through.”

George is still resting up in Station 8 but is now off his oxygen support and able to eat.

Rebecca said: “He managed to stand up and take 10 steps with support using a frame.

“He’s not used his body in two months. But he’s absolutely determined and keeps saying ‘ I just want to come home’.”

Now George is looking forward to returning home for a home cooked meal.

Rebecca added: “He just wants mince and tatties.

“That’s my dad to a tee – he’s not one for fancy food; he likes his home comforts.”

 ??  ?? Celebratio­ns George is wheeled out of ICU through a sea of clapping nurses and George with daughter Rebecca ( above)
Celebratio­ns George is wheeled out of ICU through a sea of clapping nurses and George with daughter Rebecca ( above)
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