Ayrshire Post

Fears as plan to ban cars from six schools


Cars could be banned from six school streets in South Ayrshire at pick up and drop off times.

Plans are afoot to stop traffic entering streets at primaries Heathfield, Forehill, Alloway and Doonfoot in Ayr.

Prestwick’s Kingcase Primary and Monkton Primary are also on the list for vehicle free zones.

The temporary plan would mean traffic could not enter certain roads at school start and finish times with only cyclists and walkers allowed in. Drivers living on the streets would still get access. The council has launched a consultati­on asking residents to give their views on the ‘School Streets. proposal, which operates in Edinburgh.

Most of the 139 people who have responded so far support the temporary ban on vehicles and other traffic clampdowns at schools.

Councillor Martin Dowey believes it may not be popular in practice and said: “It will cause mayhem and ill feeling for absolutely no reason.”

The Conservati­ve group leader said it would “cause havoc” at Alloway Primary as the road passing the school leads down to the suburb’s busy main street and Burns Cottage.

The move to close off areas to drivers is part of a consultati­on to decide how the council should use funding to support physical distancing. The scheme is called Spaces for People and is managed by Sustrans. The council has been awarded £510,000 from the Scottish Government to make it happen.

Councillor Siobhian Brown, SNP, responsibl­e for the economy and tourism, also urged caution on some plans.

The Alloway and Doonfoot politician said she would be “very hesitant” to “impose further restrictio­ns such as closing down streets around schools.”

But Councillor Brown welcomes the funding for the widening of foothpaths and signage and urges people to have their say.

Secondary schools in line for “temporary measures” to encourage social distancing around them are Prestwick, Kyle and Belmont Academies.

The council wants residents to get in touch about whether traffic clampdowns around schools should be enforced.

One way systems, signs and parking restrictio­ns are also being considered.

Possible changes are being proposed to busy roads in South Ayrshire towns including the end of on street parking to make footpaths wider, making more road space for cyclists, temporary street closures for vehicles and speed limits.

Some of the measures could be imposed in Girvan’s Dalrymple Street, Prestwick’s Main Street, Troon’s Portland Street, Maybole High Street and Ayr’s High Street and Sandgate.

People are also asked to comment on locations where bus shelters are too busy and villages need social distancing measures.

New rules could be in place for 18 months, with the consultati­on closing on Friday, October 30.

To give your views visit: www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/consultati­ons.

It will cause mayhem and ill feeling for absolutely no reason

 ??  ?? Caution
Siobhian Brown
Caution Siobhian Brown
 ??  ?? Chaos Martin Dowey
Chaos Martin Dowey

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