Ayrshire Post

Dialysis postcode lottery fury


Ayrshire’s health board has been accused of a shameful postcode lottery on dialysis treatment.

It means a 74-year-old widow and other patients are having to pay up to £15 a day for infection protection.

Carol Hayes of Ayr said: “I have been told by the supplier of the product that the KA postcode for Ayrshire is the only part of the NHS in Scotland that won’t provide this. It is scandalous, a real postcode lottery. I have paid taxes my entire life and still do.”

Carol, a retired teacher who ran a dog kennels near Craig Tara, needs to be hooked up to a dialysis machine for four hours three times a week at Ayr Hospital. The mum-of-one knows of at least two other ladies who have been told they won’t now get free waterproof pouches.

These provide vital protection against infection and are needed during showering.

Now Ayr MSP John Scott is demanding the mandarins at NHS Ayrshire and Arran backtrack.

He said:“Given that a wound protection and collection pouch is an essential item for people receiving complicate­d dialysis treatment, in order to reduce the chances of infection, it is very surprising and concerning that NHS Ayrshire and Arran, alone amongst Scottish health boards, no longer provide such products to patients as a matter of course.

“That being the case, I am urging the Board to revisit this matter and ensure that, in future, dialysis patients like Mrs Hayes can again have these products supplied to them as part of their ongoing treatment.”

Due to Carol’s specific blood vessel system, she requires to have a permanentl­y open hole in her chest - a central venous catheter - for the dialysis.

She has needed dialysis for four years to counter kidney problems.

The VAP1 Wound Protection/ Collection Pouch is provided by Independen­ce Products Ltd.

Gill Sims, the firm’s Head of Marketing, said:“We are aware that some dialysis patients within NHS Ayrshire & Arran have been refused NHS prescripti­ons for our range of shower protection pouches.

“I am unaware of any other Health Boards in Scotland who have applied a blanket refusal. Additional evidence is due to be circulated to the Health Board within the next two weeks and it is hoped this will encourage prescriber­s to reconsider their decision and allow their patients the right to shower safely once more. We strongly believe every patient has the right to shower safely and it is so distressin­g to hear stories from patients who have been refused this right.”

Roisin Kavanagh, Director of Pharmacy in Ayrshire, is so far refusing to back down, saying:“NHS Ayrshire & Arran does not supply Wound Protection / Collection Pouch VAP1 for dialysis patients.

“We advise patients about the alternativ­e non-prescripti­on methods.

“NHS Ayrshire & Arran has not been provided with evidence from the company who supplies Wound Protection / Collection Pouch VAP1 to support its addition to the Wound Product Formulary.”

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