Ayrshire Post

Plans for kiosk at former police box raises objections


A police box resembling a Tardis has landed next to Ayr’s Wellington Square - sparking two objections.

There are hopes to sell drinks, snacks and ice- cream from the navy booth with chairs and tables outside .

Sharon Welsh has lodged a retrospect­ive planning applicatio­n with South Ayrshire Council for the kiosk at 25 Wellington Square.

The applicatio­n said the outdoor terraced seating area is part of a bid to create a space outside in response to Covid- 19 restrictio­ns.

Ayr West Conservati­ve Councillor Martin Dowey said: “It is a good idea but it needs to meet planning regulation­s. As a former police officer who used these police boxes in Glasgow it is a novel idea. “

But neighbours have complained about the structure.

One objection from Narinder Pal Singh Sangha, of Ayr India next door, said it would be a “distractio­n to passing traffic” and it is “out of character in this conservati­on area.”

He also described a “7- foot fence” erected beside the box as an “eyesore” and claimed it posed a hazard for customers and staff.

The applicatio­n from Mrs Welsh said “Covid- 19 guidelines have highlighte­d the need to create more safe outdoor socialisin­g areas.

“We therefore propose to create an outdoor terraced kiosk with seating area within the outdoor space belonging to the building.

“The area is designed to fit sympatheti­cally within this historical square consisting of floral planters and topiary, wooden tables, chairs and a Victorian style police box serving area in keeping with the conservati­on ethos of the area.”

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Proposals have been lodged for a kiosk at the former police box in Ayr’s Wellington Square
Transforma­tion Proposals have been lodged for a kiosk at the former police box in Ayr’s Wellington Square

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