Ayrshire Post

Life sentence for sadist bodybuilde­r who filmed torture


A sadist who filmed himself torturing his lover during a horror rape and murder bid ordeal has been given a life sentence.

Kevin Oliver made the 47 yearold suffer for hours at her home in Troon, Ayrshire in October 2018.

The mum feared she was going to die as the bodybuilde­r battered, abused and humiliated her.

Gloating Oliver, 32, captured what he was doing on his mobile phone.

Footage from the harrowing incident was played to jurors at the High Court in Glasgow.

One detective told how she had never witnessed anything like it in her 15- year career.

Oliver returned to the dock having earlier been convicted of assault, rape and attempted murder.

Lord Armstrong imposed an Order for Lifelong Restrictio­n.

Oliver - who already had a lengthy violent past - must also serve a minimum five years behind bars.

The rape victim told how she initially felt “sorry” for Oliver before dating in 2017.

She held down a good job while he was unemployed and lived in a run- down part of Ayrshire.

The woman said Oliver then “basically moved in without my consent” as she soon suffered at his bullying hands.

The woman told jurors: “It felt like he was just taking over my life. I felt like I was walking on eggshells.”

In June 2018, the woman had to beg Oliver to meet a friend.

He only agreed if she went to the same pub as him – and that she had to wear a cardigan to cover bruises he caused.

Oliver sneered at her: “Don’t show me up.”

After returning home, the woman feared Oliver was going to “snap” her neck.

She ended up with a dislocated jaw after he grabbed her face tightly.

In October 2018, the pair went out in Glasgow before returning to her home.

When the woman then refused to have a gin with Oliver, he put her through a horrific ordeal.

The sobbing victim recalled: “He was on top of me and he stripped me. I was telling him to stop.

“He was saying ‘ I am going to teach you a lesson. You are my property’. He said he was going to torture me.”

Prosecutor Bill McVicar asked the witness: “How long did this go on for?”

She replied: “Hours.” The terrified woman was physically assaulted, raped and tied up.

She told Mr McVicar: “He repeated all the things that he did in each room of the house. I just thought that I was going to die.”

Oliver also dragged the screaming victim into the bath.

She said: “He was pushing my face in the water... in and out. He was trying to drown me.”

The woman was dumped in a cupboard for being “disobedien­t”.

Mr McVicar asked did she recall Oliver filming what he was doing.

She replied: “I believe he did. He was taking pictures and videos.”

Clips played during the trial showed the battered woman being mocked as she was forced to carry out degrading acts.

Detective Sergeant Claire Jack was one of the officers who later viewed the footage

His QC Iain McSporran asked her: “Have you ever seen anything quite like that?”

She replied: “Not in relation to another adult, no.”

The court heard the victim managed to sneak out after Oliver fell asleep.

But, even after he was held on remand, he continued to hound her.

She told him: “I am petrified of you. I don’t want to see you again. Leave me alone.”

Oliver was also convicted of causing the victim fear and alarm with prison letters and phone calls.

He had earlier sexually assaulted a second woman at his then home in September 2017.

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