Ayrshire Post

Covid rise ‘ extremely serious’


The rise of coronaviru­s cases in Ayrshire has been labelled ‘ extremely serious’.

Over the past week positive test results of Covid- 19 have soared as Ayrshire’s hospitals are put under immense pressure.

Data released by Public Health Scotland shows that between January 2 and 8 there were 1,216 cases of Covid confirmed in NHS Ayrshire and Arran health board as the faster spreading new variant of coronaviru­s takes hold.

Sadly, between December 28 and 3 January there has been 19 deaths from Covid- 19, with seven deaths in South Ayrshire and six in East Ayrshire.

South Ayrshire makes up for 309 positive cases with a rate of 274.4 per 100,000 and a 9.8 per cent positivity rate.

There were 424 positive cases confirmed in East Ayrshire with 476 in North Ayrshire.

Cases have been on the rise in Girvan with a 400+ per 100,000 rate shown, the same is replicated in Prestwick East and in North Ayr with cases also increasing in Lochside, Braehead and Whitletts areas.

In Prestwick East there were 23 positive cases, a stark contrast to Prestwick West where just six were recovered, and Prestwick Airport and Monkton area where only four tested positives were confirmed.

Case numbers across Ayr are at 200 to 399 per 100,000 with 16 positive results confirmed in Ayr South, Harbour and town centre. In Ayr North Harbour, Wallacetow­n and Newton South there were ten positive cases confirmed. Elsewhere in Ayr, there has been 18 positive results in Belmont, 19 in Holmston and Forehill and ten in Castlehill and Kincaidsto­n.

The virus is spreading at a similar rate in Troon with 20 positive cases returned and Dundonald Loans and Symington had 16 confirmed Covid tests.

Maybole has seen 11 positive cases. Craigie is the only area in South Ayrshire where the virus is suppressed with between zero to two positive cases returned.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman has told she is concerned by the rise in positive cases across South and East Ayrshire.

She told the Post: “The current Covid situation in South and East Ayrshire — and across Scotland — is extremely serious and the Scottish Government’s clear duty right now is to continue acting quickly and decisively to safeguard health, save lives and protect the NHS — and that is exactly what we are doing.

“I can’t stress enough the need for all of us to play our part in suppressin­g the virus. This means rigorously complying with the current stay at home restrictio­ns and only going out for essential purposes.

“If you do have to go out please wear a face covering, maintain a two- metre distance from others outside your household and wash your hands regularly.”

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