Ayrshire Post

Arms at the ready for jab


Girvan residents have been given hope as the rollout of a vaccine against coronaviru­s gets underway.

Patients at a doctors surgery in the town have been among the first to receive doses of the Oxford Astra Zeneca Vaccine.

The vaccine rollout was confirmed by NHS Ayrshire and Arran last week as 10,000 people aged over 80 are set to receive the first dose of the vaccine.

Dr McCulloch’s practice say they were delighted to have started their Covid vaccinatio­n programme.

The group shared a photo of one of the shots been administer­ed on an elderly woman.

A spokespers­on for the practice said: “Dr McCulloch’s practice are delighted to have started our Covid vaccinatio­ns.

“We were fortunate in being amongst the first group of Ayrshire practices to take delivery of vaccine and over the next week will be inviting in patients aged 80 and over to be vaccinated.

“If you are a patient elsewhere please be assured that supplies are coming to all practices over the next few weeks. Let’s all keep to the rules for a bit longer and hopefully this is the way out of the pandemic.”

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman has told the Post that the vaccine brings hope as cases across Ayrshire continue to rise.

The SNP politican for Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley, said: “The faster spreading variant of the virus is of great concern. However, we do now have a potent weapon in our fight against it: vaccinatio­n.

“We are already more than half way through getting care home residents vaccinated and this week we have begun community rollout of testing for the over 80s.”

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