Ayrshire Post

Trump row over trip to play golf at resort


Prestwick Airport chiefs declared they are NOT expecting a visit from Donald Trump next week.

The outgoing US president has been linked with a trip to his Turnberry golf resort to coincide with the inaugurati­on of president- elect Joe Biden.

The speculatio­n prompted First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to insist Trump would not be allowed into Scotland to play golf.

It was reported that the airport had been primed to take a US plane sometimes used by Trump on the day before Biden enters the White House.

But an airport spokesman told the Post: “We can confirm that we are not expecting a visit from Donald Trump in January.”

It follows a warning from Ms Sturgeon that Trump would be barred from coming to the Carrick coast to tee it up.

She said: “Coming to play golf is not what I would consider to be an essential purpose.”

The White House has repeatedly refused to say what Trump will do when Biden is inaugurate­d next Wednesday.

He has since promised an “orderly transition” after his supporters stormed the Capitol last week.

Five people were killed during ugly protests.

It had been reported Prestwick Airport was told to expect the arrival of a US military Boeing 757 previously used by Trump next Tuesday.

When asked about the possible arrival, Ms Sturgeon said: “I have no idea what Donald Trump’s travel plans are, you’ll be glad to know.

“I hope and expect that the travel plan he has immediatel­y is to exit the White House.

“But beyond that I don’t know.

“We are not allowing people to come in to Scotland without an essential purpose right now and that would apply to him, just as it applies to anybody else.”

It comes as one MSP urged government­s on both sides of the border to “nip in the bud” any potential visit.

Labour’s Colin Smyth claimed the people of Ayrshire would be “appalled” if Trump flew into Prestwick during a pandemic. The party’s transport spokesman and South of Scotland MSP said: “The number of people involved in managing such a trip would be enormous and bringing so many together at a time Ayrshire’s hospitals are frankly bursting with Covid cases would be the height of irresponsi­bility.

“Our police and others frankly have enough to do without the added burden of coping with Donald Trump’s election sulk.

“We need a categoric guarantee from both the UK and Scottish Government­s that if there is even the slightest shred of truth in these rumours they will nip this in the bud now and say any such trip, whatever the excuse, will not be allowed. “No ifs, no buts”.

Coming to play golf is not what I would consider to be an essential purpose

 ??  ?? Bunkered Donald Trump
Bunkered Donald Trump
 ??  ?? Hit out Nicola Sturgeon
Hit out Nicola Sturgeon

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