Ayrshire Post

Pervert flashes his private parts to man


A pervert picture framer flashed his genitals to someone putting up posters at his work... but claimed they’d fallen out his pants.

Alexander McLeod, of Troon, exposed himself to the man, who can’t be named for legal reasons, and asked his victim if he wanted to perform a sex act on him.

McLeod, 51, struck when his victim visited McLeod’s shop - Johnstone Art & Framing - on November 5 ast year.

The victim entered the store, in High Street, Johnstone, at around 10am on the day in question and asked if he could put a poster up on the door.

McLeod said he could and then asked his victim to watch the shop for him.

He checked to see if anyone was coming in to the shop and then walked to the back of the store - noticing McLeod was hiding in an alcove.

McLeod had his trousers at his ankles and was exposing himself to the victim - then asked if he wanted to perform a sex act on him.

But the victim replied, “I’m not gay, mate” and left, before telling his friend, who was also putting posters up.

The court heard the pair went to the store to confront McLeod who then claimed he had been fixing himself and that his genitals had fallen out of his pants. McLeod then called his partner to say that men were causing problems in the shop and his partner called the police. But it was he who ended up being arrested and going on trial over the claims at Paisley Sheriff Court.

He was convicted of “exposing” his “genitals in a sexual manner” to the man “with the intention that he would see them”, handling himself and making “a sexual remark” to the man.

Sentence was deferred for background reports to be prepared and McLeod, formerly of Kirkintill­och, and now of Troon, returned to the dock last Tuesday to learn his fate.

Sheriff David Pender said: “The victim of this offence suffered from some difficulti­es from what I remember. This would’ve been very traumatic for him. I would’ve imposed a Community Payback Order with unpaid work, but you’re not able to do unpaid work, so I’ll impose a fine.”

McLeod - who was told to cough up £ 500 over what the judge termed “a stupid offence” - was not placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register.

 ??  ?? Creep McLeod, of Troon, exposed himself in his shop
Creep McLeod, of Troon, exposed himself in his shop

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