Ayrshire Post

Voice of Reason

Shooting from the lip


A New Beginning

His hairline is about to get thinner, his wallet lighter and his skin a lot thicker.

But there’s no doubt David Smith has signed up for the ride of his life.

For any fan, owning their beloved club is the stuff of dreams.

As young supporters, we all hope to grace Somerset in the black and white.

The next best thing? Putting on the camel coat and heading for the big seat.

In Smith, Ayr finally have their suitor to replace big Lachlan Cameron.

Like football’s answer to Cinderella, we’ve been searching for someone to fit that glass slipper for many years. And now we have our man. Smith immediatel­y ticks all the relevant boxes to take us to the next level.

Being a diehard since he could walk is a lovely bonus.

But crucially, this is a man with a proven track record in the business world who commands respect.

When he says he’s going to put building blocks in place somewhere, he quite literally does it.

That’s what convinced Cameron to pass the torch this week.

And by the way, over the last 16 years, it cannot be underestim­ated what the colourful California­n has done for this club.

His attempts to steer us from back home in the States have, by his own admission, left him a hostage to criticism.

And sure, the club blatantly needed his day- to- day captaining of the ship.

But while many other Scottish clubs have floundered down the years, our man ensured the cheques kept getting signed.

He went down the well for more than £ 1 million of his own money.

That willingnes­s to underwrite the cause ensures we have an Ayr United for David Smith to take charge of this week.

Along with the dilligent work of Lewis Grant over so many years, Ayr have been left a platform from which to build.

Smith’s challenge now - and it’s an exciting one - is to work with a blank canvas.

He talks strategy and long term ambition. Those are the things we like to hear.

And the best part is he means it. Possible redevelopm­ent of the north terracing has the ability to breathe new life into our sacred stadium.

The Somerset Hub, already planned, is another hugely exciting project in the pipeline.

This could just be Ayr United’s shrewdest signing in many a year.

 ??  ?? Ayr we go Smith has taken over the club he’s followed since childhood
Ayr we go Smith has taken over the club he’s followed since childhood

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