Ayrshire Post


Family speak out after evil killer Willox is found guilty of her violent murder


The heartbroke­n family of Emma Faulds said they are thankful that her killer has been found guilty of her murder.

Yesterday (Tuesday), Ross Willox, 40, was convicted at the High Court in Glasgow of the 39-year-old’s murder in Monkton on Sunday, April 28, 2019.

A statement issued on behalf of Emma’s family said: “We are absolutely devastated by Emma’s death and her not being with us has left a tremendous void in all our lives.

“We cannot believe she was taken from us in such a violent way and what makes it even worse is that Ross Willox was supposed to be her friend.

“The court case has been arduous and hearing about what happened that night has been harrowing but we are thankful that Willox has been found guilty and he will have to live forever with the consequenc­es of his actions. “We’d ask now that we be left to grieve now the court case is over. We will never forget what happened to Emma, however, we will always remember her as our beautiful, loving daughter, sister and friend.”

Emma had been reported missing by her family on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Her remains were discovered six weeks later in the Galloway Forest area on Wednesday, June 12, 2019. Detective Inspector Peter Crombie, the lead investigat­or on the inquiry, said: “As you can imagine, this has been a very difficult and traumatic time for Emma’s family who are still devastated by her death. “They are a close-knit family and have been a great source of strength to each other. Their support during the investigat­ion has been invaluable.

“Ross Willox was a friend of Emma’s and had known her for a number of years. What happened between him and Emma at his home that night remains unclear and only he truly knows what led to her death.

“Willox’s actions with regard to the disposing of Emma’s body are incomprehe­nsible and sickening. Her family could have been denied being able to mourn their loved one with a funeral or knowing her final resting place.

“Thankfully, due to the efforts of officers, we were able to find Emma which allowed her family some comfort.

“I sincerely hope that the fact that he has now been found guilty will afford them some sense of justice.”

Willox is due to be sentenced at a later date.

 ??  ?? Badly missed Emma’s family hope they can now grieve after Willox (below left) was found guilty of her murder
Badly missed Emma’s family hope they can now grieve after Willox (below left) was found guilty of her murder

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