Ayrshire Post

Travellers set up at car park


Travellers who parked in bays at Ayr seafront have been told they are not allowed to use the spaces by a council officer.

Caravans are not permitted in the 20 new dedicated parking spaces for campers at the Blackburn car park.

Last Tuesday travellers were parked in the bays near a number of camper vans at about 1pm - before being approached by a council official.

A South Ayrshire Council spokesman said: “When our liaison officer visited the travellers, they indicated they would be leaving soon. The officer highlighte­d that the bays are there for campervans or motorhomes and not for caravans.”

Only owners of campervans and motorhomes can stay overnight for £5 as part of a new council trial to boost tourism.

It kicked off in recent weeks and has been attracting sight seers to the area - enjoying the Ayr sunsets.

Ayr west Conservati­ve councillor Derek McCabe said: “I welcome tourist trade and visitors. If they abide by the law it is all good.”

The council has warned fixed penalty notices may be dished out to drivers who park in the spaces and don’t have a campervan or motorhome.

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance is monitoring the site. The campervan parking has also been introduced in Knockcusha­n Street Car Park in Girvan.

The schemes were rolled out to meet demand and to stop campers from pulling up overnight in certain streets.

There is a ban on overnight stays along the Esplanade in Ayr, Louisa Drive and Harbour Street in Girvan, as well as some other nearby streets.

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Motorhomes and campervans at Ayr’s Blackburn car park
Parked Motorhomes and campervans at Ayr’s Blackburn car park

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