Ayrshire Post

Daddies’ girls inspire creative clothing brand


A dad has told how his daughters have inspired a lockdown business boom from his kitchen table.

Michael Sandilands is now the proud owner of his own clothing brand with orders flying from his Girvan home.

And he’s giving all the credit to tots Mylah, 1, and Harper, 3, for being the driving force behind his new label.

The brand, named Offxspring­z, has become an overnight sensation online with Michael struggling to keep up with orders.

By day, he works at the Grant’s whisky distillery in his home town before rushing home to start sending out orders.

Michael, 27, said: “It started as a really simple lockdown project to keep the kids entertaine­d.

“With all the soft plays being shut, it was hard to keep them occupied so I got them a blackboard where they could draw.

“From there I digitised the images they had created and printed them on to T-shirts...and it sort of took off from there.”

Michael called on the help of his own dad David, a tattoo artist, and graphic designer Sarah Reid to take the project to the next level.

Now the popular logo of two bears is printed on everything from colourful hoodies and sweatshirt­s to T-shirts and shorts.

And even top sports stars are getting in on the act with the likes of Scotland striker Lawrence Shankland and footballin­g brothers Robby and Ross McCrorie among those to be fans of the brand.

Michael, a former Girvan Academy pupil, said: “The response since we launched the website in the middle of March has been incredible. We’ve already done well over 500 orders and it’s hard just to keep up considerin­g it’s me sending everything out.

“My fiancee, Brynay, has been amazing and very supportive and has allowed me to push on and make a success of it.

“It still blows me away that people want to buy and wear something that my daughters have created and seeing orders go out around the UK is a great feeling.”

To view Michael’s full range, visit https://offxspring­z.com/

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Michael Sandilands with his daughters Mylah, one, and three-year-old Harper
Doting dad Michael Sandilands with his daughters Mylah, one, and three-year-old Harper

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