Ayrshire Post

Path blocked off after anti-social behaviour


A right of way popular path in Cumnock has been blocked off by a landowner because of antisocial behaviour sparked by teens gathering.

Fencing is up and electric gates may be erected to stop people from using the route under the viaduct at the Woodroad Park.

There have been reports of dozens of youths congregati­ng in the area at the weekend drinking.

But residents have complained to East Ayrshire Council about being locked out, a council cabinet meeting heard last Wednesday.

East Ayrshire Council is working with the owner to find a diversion rather than forcing it to be reopened.

It is understood the area of land in question belongs to John Shearer of Templand Mains Farm.

Cumnock and New Cumnock

SNP councillor Jim McMahon said: “Residents have walked that way for years.

“The owner has built the brick butts for as far as I am led to believe to support electric gates.

“There is Heras fencing to stop people getting through.

“I sympathise as I realise you can get people who are disruptive.

“But it shouldn’t be to the detriment of people who have walked that way for years.”

Speaking at the cabinet meeting, Anneke Freel, Chief Officer, East Ayrshire Leisure, said: “Our preference is to mediate and find a solution that suits the community and the landowner.

“The team are looking for a diversion.

“If we can’t find a suitable diversion we will do more work with the landowner.

“I would prefer to do that rather than enforcemen­t.”

Last week, I was wondering if Burns House would ever come down.

This week, I’m wondering if it will be down before I get to the end of this sentence!

Last week, I was wondering what was holding Central Demolition back.

This week, it looks like there’s no holding them back.

What a transforma­tion. However, it still doesn’t change the fact that this dreadful concrete mess is welcoming visitors through Ayr’s busiest gateway at the peak of the tourist season.

We have also still to learn what SAC plans to do with the space.

I’m told one senior councillor official answered that very question with the quip,“Well, grass seed is pretty cheap these days!”

A joke I hope – but it’s better than rubble and weeds lying on our town’s doorstep for years to come.

What would I put there?

Flats, retail, a public garden, a statue of Ally MacLeod? I really don’t know.

More importantl­y, though, what would YOU put there.

Let me know via recordshie­lds@ aol.com

 ??  ?? Right of way The path has been blocked off after becoming a magnet for boozed-up teenagers congregati­ng and drinking there
Right of way The path has been blocked off after becoming a magnet for boozed-up teenagers congregati­ng and drinking there
 ??  ?? Demolition But what next for Burns House?
Demolition But what next for Burns House?

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