Ayrshire Post

Most famous provost in Scotland ousted


Councillor­s in East Ayrshire have voted to remove the most “famous” provost in Scotland”.

Conservati­ve and Labour members joined forces to oust provost Jim Todd and deputy provost Claire Leitch in what has been viewed as an “attack” on the SNP. At a full council meeting last Thursday, Labour councillor Barry Douglas was elected as provost with Rubbish Party councillor Sally Cogley as depute.

The meeting heard there were intentions for Councillor Leitch to take up a position in the cabinet. The deputy provost role was offered to other councillor­s by council leader Douglas Reid.

Councillor Todd, who has held the civic role for years, was described as the most “famous provost in Scotland.”

Councillor Reid (SNP) said it looks like an “attack” and has been orchestrat­ed 10 months before the council elections next May. However, opposition politician­s argued the SNP held too many important positions as a minority administra­tion.

Praising councillor Todd, council leader Douglas Reid said: “He has worked tirelessly for our community and went to extraordin­ary lengths to be inclusive and to be a great ambassador for our communitie­s recognised across Scotland and beyond.

“In doing this it can be viewed as a vote of no confidence in our provost. People at East Ayrshire are asking why and I am at a loss to answer why.”

Conservati­ve councillor­s John Knapp and John McFadyen, who have been previously off with ill-health, joined in the vote to replace councillor­s Todd and Leitch from their posts.

Labour leader John McGhee said: “It certainly isn’t an attack on Jim Todd.

“This is us exercising a democratic right that we can put someone forward.”

Councillor McGhee said he agreed with the compliment­s made about councillor Todd’s work.

Cumnock councillor Jim McMahon, who was elected new deputy leader of the council, described councillor Todd as probably the most famous provost in Scotland.

He implored politician­s to vote with their conscience.

Conservati­ve leader Tom Cook said: “This is a minority administra­tion but as it stands just now every senior position is held by the administra­tion. I think it is time perhaps some of these roles were divided up a bit more.”

Councillor Reid moved a motion to appoint Kilmarnock South Councillor Todd. An amendment from Councillor McGhee to elect Kilmarnock East and Hurlford councillor Douglas was carried by 16 votes to 15. Councillor Elena Whitham (SNP) put forward a motion to keep Ballochmyl­e Councillor Leitch as depute provost.

That was followed by an amendment from Councillor Cook to appoint Irvine Valley Councillor Cogley to take her place.

Councillor Cogley was elected as depute provost with 16 votes to 15.

Councillor Whitham said: “Claire has put in a monumental shift as depute provost and spent countless evenings and weekends with local groups celebratin­g their successes and sharing in their sorrows.”

Councillor Cook said: “Sally is a hard worker in the community and well respected and has a great affiliatio­n for young people as well so I have no hesitation in proposing her.”

Paying tribute to Councillor Leitch, councillor Reid: “She has excelled my wildest expectatio­ns since I nominated her some four years ago.”

Pointing out how Councillor Leitch has gained national recognitio­n, he thanked her for the work she has put in.

Councillor Cogley said: “You are a very hard act to follow.”

Councillor Leitch said: “It has been an absolute honour and privilege in my life to serve as the council’s depute provost.

“I think and would be hopeful that you would all agree I have used my platform for good, for the right reasons and have proudly driven forward progressiv­e change in views and attitudes in many issues including women’s issues, young people, LGBTQ+ and put a spotlight on the most marginalis­ed people in our communitie­s.”

People in East Ayrshire are asking why and I am at loss at answer why.”

 ??  ?? Depute provost Cogley
Depute provost Cogley Sarah
 ??  ?? Provost
Barry Douglas
Provost Barry Douglas
 ??  ?? Outvoted Claire Leitch
Outvoted Claire Leitch
 ??  ?? Ousted
Jim Todd
Ousted Jim Todd

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