Ayrshire Post

Beauty Queen at 12 set to take on the world

Schoolgirl Sasha to represent Scotland in States


A schoolgirl is to represent Scotland across the pond after winning a national beauty pageant.

Sasha McDonald will travel to Ohio next year to take part in the internatio­nal contest.

It follows the 12-year-old’s victory in the Pure UK Pageant for girls and young women across the UK.

The event promotes community work and charity fundraisin­g.

As the newly-crowned ‘Pure UK Scotland Queen’, Sasha will represent her home country at the internatio­nal event in America in 2022.

And she will compete with other national title holders from other countries across the world.

Sasha, of Girvan, said: “I love helping others and Pure UK helped me do this with ideas and inspiratio­n.

“This year I was raising money for The Salvation Army and my local church, Milestone in Girvan.

“Everything I do has to be documented and recorded and I really worked hard this year.

“At the end of the show, I’d no idea I had won.

“I was backstage getting some water for my friend when my name was called.

“I couldn’t believe it and

When my name was called I couldn’t believe it. I thought I hadn’t heard it properly.

thought I had not heard properly.

“I’d seen other women win the title and always wished I could be like them and it’s amazing that I’ve now had this dream come true. It still feels a bit weird.”

Sasha was sponsored by Cheryl Cooper of Bows and Sews, a Girvan-based children’s clothing company, who backed two other contestant­s who also won national titles - including Irvine’s Sian Hughes - giving her a clean sweep of all the Scottish accolades.

Cheryl said: “Sasha is just so thoughtful and never puts herself first.

“Over the last few years she has raised fantastic sums of money for good causes.

“This year, she has worked incredibly hard.

She added: “I’m overjoyed that Pure UK has recognised her efforts and seen how much she really cares about others.

“Becoming Scottish Queen at 12, with so much competitio­n from hundreds of inspiring young girls and women across the UK, is simply staggering.

“And, just like Sasha, it was her birthday on the day we travelled to Warrington for the event, but she did not mention this to anyone.

“A double celebratio­n is now planned and she totally deserves it.”

 ??  ?? Daring to dream Sasha will head to America next year as part of a global beauty contest. PICS: Craig Bradshaw
Daring to dream Sasha will head to America next year as part of a global beauty contest. PICS: Craig Bradshaw
 ??  ?? Catwalk star Sasha McDonald, of Girvan, will represent Scotland after winning beauty pageant
Catwalk star Sasha McDonald, of Girvan, will represent Scotland after winning beauty pageant

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