Ayrshire Post



I was disappoint­ed some years ago when Margo Macdonald MSP fought so hard to have legislatio­n on this passed and was unsuccessf­ul.

I understand that assisted dying is being debated again soon.

It must be accepted this time.

I have given this a lot of thought and I am absolutely behind the idea that people who are terminally ill should have the legal right to decide when and where they die and who is with them.

They certainly should not have to go abroad alone which is the case now or whoever accompanie­s them risks legal action being taken against them.

This is the legal position, nothing to do with Covid.

There is not always adequate pain relief given for some.

Too many people still suffer because pain relief does not work for them.

Others feel trapped when their bodies do not work but give them pain. People should have more say in what happens to them.

However, they must be mentally capable of coming to an informed decision, that is not in doubt.

The law needs to change.

We do not have a local group here but I have spoken with Dignity in Dying Scotland on visits to Edinburgh where one of their branches has informatio­n sessions at the Meadows Annual Fair.

Other countries allow this legally and the safeguards seem to work well.

It is obviously important that nobody is actively encouraged or coerced to consider this path.

I do hope that the legislatio­n goes through this time.

We all want to feel in control of our lives as much as possible.

Esther Clark, Ayr employabil­ity and may well stem the tide of our talented people leaving South Ayrshire to find opportunit­ies in other parts of the UK.

Todor Radic, Girvan

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