Ayrshire Post

Park your boats where they belong


A row has erupted over a plush street becoming a dumping ground for BOATS.

Racecourse Road in Ayr has been dubbed a ‘mini harbour’– with four vessels left anchored by the side of the street.

A trio of Tory councillor­s have now accused roads chiefs of giving the issue a wide berth.

Cllr Derek McCabe said: “It’s making the town look completely crazy, residents are furious about this.

“We have been inundated with emails and complaints.”

An Ayr street has turned into a ‘mini harbour’- after boats were left abandoned on the side of the road.

Racecourse Road in the town has become awash with vessels permanentl­y anchored along the plush neighbourh­ood for months; with three docked.

But last week a fourth boat steered its way in, leaving residents and a trio of councillor­s fuming at the lack of action.

Ayr West Tory councillor­s Derek McCabe, Martin Dowey and Lee Lyons have accused roads chiefs of giving the issue a wide berth.

They believe Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA) has opted to abandon ship over the permanent ‘hazard’ due to the boats being far enough away from passing traffic.

Councillor McCabe has called out the “toothless” organisati­on after the inspectors deemed the boats were not causing an obstructio­n or disrupting traffic flow.

But he insists ignoring the issue is making a mockery of the town.

He told the Post: “Racecourse Road is essentiall­y now a mini harbour without water.

“We have known about this for ages and it’s gotten to the point where someone has loaded off another boat here.

“It’s making the town look completely crazy, residents are furious about this. We have been inundated with emails and complaints.”

Councillor McCabe fears the council are powerless and has called on roads chiefs to fix the mess.

He added: “The council can not do anything about it really, ARA are hiding behind the legislatio­n – there is nothing we can legally do.

“It is anti-social behaviour, its fly-tipping and abandonmen­t. These boats are of no use to anyone.

“If they were to go back in the water they would go down quicker than the Lusitania.”

A spokespers­on for the ARA said:“The Ayrshire Roads Alliance has visited the site and confirmed that the boats are not causing disruption to the traffic flow or causing an obstructio­n, as they are contained within parking bays.

“This means that the Alliance does not have the authority to remove the boats under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984.”

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 ??  ?? Run aground Tory councillor­s Martin Dowey, Derek McCabe and Lee Lyons inspect the latest arrival
Run aground Tory councillor­s Martin Dowey, Derek McCabe and Lee Lyons inspect the latest arrival

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