Ayrshire Post

Pressure grows on NHS over Covid deaths inquiry


A campaign group has cranked up the pressure on NHS Ayrshire and Arran over the deaths of a nursing assistant and a patient following a COVID-19 outbreak at an Ayrshire psychiatri­c ward.

The group, Action for Safe and Accountabl­e People’s NHS, previously criticised the health board’s investigat­ion into their handling of the tragedies.

The group wrote to Scotland’s top police officer, Chief Constable Iain Livingston­e, demanding an investigat­ion into the deaths of nursing assistant Neil Alexander, 64, who died in February, and an unnamed patient.

They both died after COVID-19 spread through a psychiatri­c ward at Woodland View, Irvine.

It’s understood that 20 staff and patients were affected by the outbreak.

The campaign group alleged that ‘major breaches’ took place in the events leading up to the tragedies.

And the organisati­on believe ‘wrongdoing’ took place when notifying the deaths and infection outbreak to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

NHS Ayrshire & Arran recently issued results of an internal review into the deaths, which appeared to absolve themselves of blame.

They concluded that “appropriat­e processes and procedures were in place” and were “in line with national guidance and the infection control manual”.

However, ASAP say they ‘marked their own homework’.

Now they have written to Professor Hazel Borland, acting CEO at NHS Ayrshire & Arran, about how the health board conducted their investigat­ion.

Police Scotland also confirmed they’ve been requested to carry out enquiries into the deaths by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

Rab Wilson, from ASAP-NHS, has demanded informatio­n in relation to how many members of staff on Ward 10, Woodland View, ICH, were “approached and asked to come forward to provide witness statements” for the health board’s report “other than the Senior Charge Nurse”.

Mr Wilson is also demanding to know “how many independen­t witness statements were provided by members of Ward 10 staff ” and “referenced” in the making of the report.

He also asks: “If no staff whatsoever from Ward 10, other than the Senior Charge Nurse (SCN), were asked to provide witness statements for this report, why was that?

“Why out of 20-plus staff was only the SCN asked to provide witness material to this report?”

Mr Wilson claims the deaths of his friend and former colleague Mr Alexander, from Minishant, and the unnamed patient were “totally avoidable and preventabl­e”.

He added: “The public will be well aware of NHS A&A’s dire history of covering up events that are detrimenta­l to ‘organisati­onal reputation.’

“I look forward to clear answers to these questions.”

A spokespers­on for NHS Ayrshire and Arran confirmed that Mr Wilson’s recent correspond­ence to them is being treated as a Freedom of Informatio­n request and is in “due process at this time”.

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 ??  ?? Questions Woodland staff member Neil died in February. Now Rab Wilson (right) wants answers
Questions Woodland staff member Neil died in February. Now Rab Wilson (right) wants answers

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