Ayrshire Post

Pleato getthe vaccine


Health chiefs have issued a plea for the public’s support after the number of coronaviru­s cases was on the increase.

The Post reported last week that Ayrshire’s rate of 602 per 100,000 ranked it has the 10th highest in the contient.

The data came as several restaurant­s took the decision to pull the shutters down to allow staff struck by the virus to self-isolate.

Lisa Davidson, NHS Ayrshire and Arran’s assistant public health chief, is now urging the public to help support teams to prevent family, friends or loved ones from falling unwell and to continue following the rules.

She said: “There have been a number of outbreaks across Ayrshire and Arran and our health protection team have seen a rise in the number of positive cases of coronaviru­s (COVID-19) over recent weeks. Our contact tracing team are working hard to ensure all those affected are contacted and advised to selfisolat­e. We all have a role to play in protecting ourselves, our family and friends, and our community. By following the Scottish Government guidance and reducing our day-to-day contact with other people, we will reduce the spread of the infection.

“If we don’t follow the guidance, there is a significan­t risk that we could make our family, friends and other close contacts unwell.”

Ms Davidson has reiterated the importance of the vaccine in the fight against coronaviru­s with the presence of more transmissi­ble variants making it even more essential for people to roll up their sleeves and she added: “The vaccine offers the best protection against coronaviru­s and we want to see as many people as possible come forward when they are invited. With the rising numbers of local cases and the presence of variants that are likely to be more transmissi­ble, it is important you take the chance to get your vaccine. If you’ve been invited previously and not attended, for whatever reason, you can still come along to get a first dose or a second dose if you were vaccinated 56 days ago or more.”

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Get vaccinated
Advice Get vaccinated

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