Ayrshire Post

Parking scheme needs scrutinise­d

Consultati­on will need town’s views


In the long history of fourwheele­d motion there have been three defining moments.

The first was the invention of the wheel. The second was the introducti­on of the four-stroke engine.

And the third was re-inventing the dash-board fag lighter as a 12 volt portal that can now do everything from heating curling tongs to blowing up the grandwean’s inflatable pink flamingo.

Yes folks, in the wonderful world of happy motoring - and as Heraclitus once said - ‘nothing is constant, all is flux’. For South Ayrshire’s motorists – living in or just visiting Ayr – things look set to change again.

South Ayrshire Council has set its sights on the town centre parking problem –and it’s up to you to decide if they’ve fixed it – or fluxed it up.

Ayrshire Roads Alliance, on behalf of SAC, has opened a month long ‘consultati­on’ on their vision for the future of town centre and residentia­l parking.

Call me old fashioned – but I’d rather SAC consulted the public BEFORE drawing up proposals – not the other way round.

I’d prefer a ‘consultati­on’ that gave people the opportunit­y to comment not simply tick multiple choice boxes.

And as the good people of Girvan have found out – SAC has no morality in honouring public opinion.

But having lashed SAC many times for blatant non-consultati­on, it is what it is. It’s now up to the public to “strongly agree”, “strongly disagree” - or choose one of the options in between on the consultati­on document. I don’t have a car and have never sat a driving test. Aged 18, I saw a sign that read “Don’t Drink and Drive” – and probably took it too seriously.

Parking has never been an issue for me, but for tens of thousands of others, finding a free space in Ayr – and that can mean ‘free’ from payment as well as ‘free’ to occupy - has been a long-running issue. And there’s certainly a proven link to Ayr’s town centre businesses who lose custom to the malls and outlets where parking is painless and cashless.

The flip side is what SAC earn from car parking fees – and what services we would lose if they didn’t. At the moment, I reckon that is roughly £600,000 a year. And with what looks like 1000 additional ‘paying’ places being added in the proposed new ‘zone’ system – SAC appear to be more interested in the money than the motorist.

Our SNP led council also finally get to deliver on their election manifesto pledge of two hours free parking a day for residents and visitors. With the proposed new restrictio­ns starting at 11.00am rather than the present 9.00am – it’s a shifty solution that sounded better as a pledge! But hey, it’s there nonetheles­s. And if approved, could be in use before the SNP’s 2022 local election manifesto is published!

The headlines in this ‘consultati­on’ appear to be more “pay and display” parking bays, changes to the ‘residents only’ restrictio­ns, some ‘three hour slots’ being reduced to two – and paidfor parking along Ayr’s esplanade in the summer months. Stick me down for a “strongly disagree” on that last one.

SAC clearly believe these changes are for the better. It’s beyond any doubt that some changes are badly needed.

The £600,000-a-year question is – will they work? And the honest answer is – no-one really knows . . . yet.

Will wee Mrs Jones still get to park within 50 yards of her flat in Bellevue Crescent? Or will a car with an “I Belong to Glasgow” sticker be sitting, quite lawfully, at her gate? Will Big Jim get a ticket for spending a minute too long with his granny in Mill Street? And where will he tell the traffic warden to shove that ticket? Should he even have to pay to visit his granny at all? I urge everyone in South Ayrshire to join in with the ‘consultati­on’ process.

It’s at www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/ consultati­ons

I also urge SAC to have regard for the results of the consultati­on process.

Whatever revised parking scheme is adopted – stick the words “Three Month Trial Period” at the top of it. Remember, “nothing is constant, all is flux”. I’m betting parking in Ayr is going to be fluxed for longer than we think.

 ??  ?? Big issue Parking spaces in and around Ayr has become a hotbed of discussion
Big issue Parking spaces in and around Ayr has become a hotbed of discussion

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