Ayrshire Post

I am behind banning bar price advertisin­g


I see Spain is finally cracking down on all-inclusive package holidays.

Independen­t bar owners have finally got their Government to listen to evidence that all inclusive packages do little to promote tourism and a lot to promote drunkennes­s and bad behaviour.

As an independen­t bar owner myself – I’m right behind them.

Another Spanish initiative is to banish local drinks advertisin­g based on pricing.

Gone will be the front door boards with“Pints of lager – 3 Euros”scrawled in chalk.

Inevitably, they just invite the bar down the street to offer the same for two euros.

And neither bar owner wins that war. The Mayor of Marbella started his own, similar campaign years ago.

“You should choose a bar because it looks clean, welcoming, friendly and you want to relax with a drink.

“NOT because it’s cheaper than the bar next door”was his ethos.

And if it works on the Costa Del Sol . . . it can work on the Costa Clyde!

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