Ayrshire Post

Talk of the town from our social media


A telecom company have applied to build a 30m mast after being told to remove their equipment from one of Ayr’s demolition-threatened Riverside high flats (see page 6).

Michael Palmer

My Grandfathe­r’s company built these in the 60s.

I know there to still be so many very happy residents still living here who do not wish to be uprooted from their home.

Another SAC blunder.

Christophe­r Hendry

We should not rush anything, make them wait until after the elections and allow the public to have a say, same with that daft swimming pool.

Jamie Easdale

200 flats going to waste.

Bill Grant

Wonder if there has been an environmen­tal impact assessment on this rather bizarre decision.

Linda M Cowan

What a waste.

A group of mums have saved Annbank Community Hall after fearing it was doomed to close.

Louise Mcphater

Well done Annbank Community Associatio­n.

Marion Scobie Well done ladies.

I knew before I read it Maggie would be a great ambassador for that.

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