Ayrshire Post

Sorry seems to be the hardest word


About 20 years ago, my dear old dad handed me a vanilla brown A4 envelope . . . with the all dispassion of passing me over a chocolate biscuit. “What’s this?”I asked.

“That’s all the details of the lair,”he fired back.“Lair?” “Aye son, you’ll be in charge of putting me beside your mother . . .”

It’s now moved to at least five different homes since, - but, thank God - the envelope remains unopened.

The word‘lair’has given me the heebie-jeebies ever since. And it did again last week when I read about the torment of families whose loved ones may be in the water-filled‘lairs’at Ayr Cemetery. They are angry at the lack of communicat­ion from South Ayrshire Council about what’s happening to these graves. SAC’s response was to claim they had“written directly”to the families involved.

The families say they would have thought a phone call was more appropriat­e. I say these people deserve nothing less than a personal visit, if not from an SAC employee – then at least a councillor. They also deserve a full explanatio­n as to how this happened, how it’s being remedied . . . and who is to blame.

Some personal concern, some personal reassuranc­e and a personal apology are in order here. And the complete lack of it is shameful.

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