Ayrshire Post



1. Which sci-fi animation series by Matt Groening ran from 1999-2013?

2. Which Middle East political group is represente­d by the initials PLO?

3. Which German composer wrote the overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream?

4. In which year did the Apollo 11 lunar module land on the moon?

5. Of which country did Heinz Fischer become president in 2004?

6. Of which political party was Tony Benn a member?

7. Which US actor starred in the films The Cincinnati Kid and Papillon?

8. Who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 2002 to 2012?

9. Of which country was David Ben-Gurion the first prime minister?

10. Which Swedish chemist left £1.75 million as a foundation for annual awards for Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Medicine?

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