Ayrshire Post



Thank you so much for reporting on the household negligence in Cassillis Terrace, Maybole for neighbours of mine abusing the simple task of disposing of rubbish.

One would have thought it would spur officials at South Ayrshire Council into action: no.

I have to say it wasn’t the elected officials to blame but the office workers.

I received a Freedom of Informatio­n (FOI) from them.

It was full of lack of informatio­n. One point I asked was potential threat of rat infestatio­n.

I quote my question and the Luddite response

“Why is the huge potential of rat infestatio­n allowed by your authority?

This is not requesting recorded informatio­n and is therefore not relevant to EIR Legislatio­n.”

Well on social media yesterday a photo appeared of a dead rat on St John’s Lane, which links to Cassilis Terrace.

It is so sad to be proved correct. And the highly paid officials, not the councillor­s, reap their harvest of wages for doing nothing.

Perhaps I am deranged for having idealistic thoughts that for earning a wage you work for those who pay you.

I will for the next year withhold council tax.

And note, withhold is not a refusal to pay.

Bryan Clark, Cassillis Terrace, Maybole

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