Ayrshire Post

The chance to have your say


Thousands of people across Ayrshire will head to the polls to vote in the 2022 South Ayrshire Council elections tomorrow (Thursday).

The local authority provide a wide range of vital services that affect you and your family including education, leisure, bin collection­s, street lighting, roads and transporta­tion, planning, licensing, housing and of, course, the collection of council tax, rent and spending your money.Who is best placed to get your vote?

The council has been run by the SNP/Labour/ Independen­ts adminstrat­ion for the past five years.

The Conservati­ves are trying to win back control of the council.

Based on previous results, it is likely that no party will have an overall majority, and the largest parties, the SNP and Conservati­ves, may have to do a deal with either Labour and Independen­ts to form an administra­tion.

In a local council election special, the Ayrshire Post ahead of the poll asked the three party leaders, Peter Henderson, of the SNP, Martin Dowey, leader of the Conserativ­e Group and Brian McGinley, the leader of the Labour Group, about why people should cast their vote for their party tomorrow.

●To view the candidates standing in your area, see our special eight-page pullout inside today’s Post.

 ?? ?? Election 2022 Polling stations opens for your vote on Thursday
Election 2022 Polling stations opens for your vote on Thursday

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