Ayrshire Post

I am here for the long run


I’ve no sooner discovered where the gents’toilets are in Castle Grayskull . . . than the rumour mill has me resigning already! Yes – according to a reliable source – one senior councillor is saying I’ll quit my council role because it’s incompatib­le with writing this weekly column. It’s a thick, brown pile of balderdash!

There is nothing in the Code of Conduct for Councillor­s that precludes me carrying out both roles.

As I’ve said before, this page will respect all aspects of privacy and confidenti­ality in council business, as required by law.

The law also affords me the right to write honestly and truthfully, with special protection­s regarding “honest opinion” and “matters in the public interest”.

Yes – you can be a councillor AND a campaignin­g columnist.

Get used to it!

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