Ayrshire Post



The following events all occurred in living memory. Can you guess the year?

A 1. Faye Dunaway and Nick Nolte were born

2. Walt Disney’s Dumbo was released

3. Airwoman Amy Johnson went missing

4. Rudolf Hess arrived in Scotland to apparently negotiate peace talks

B 1. Ricky Martin had a U.K. No.1 hit with Livin’ La Vida Loca

2. Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening starred in American Beauty

3. Stanley Kubrick died

4. Britain got its first minimum wage

C 1. Bros had a No.1 hit single with I Owe You Nothing

2. Jamie Lee Curtis and John Cleese starred in A Fish Called Wanda

3. Singer Roy Orbison died

4. The Bank of England £1 notes ceased to be legal tender

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