Ayrshire Post

National square sausage day


Ayrshire butcher We hae meat has declared Monday, March 25 the world’s first ‘National Square Sausage Day’, an occasion dedicated to honouring and enjoying the Scottish delicacy.

The farm-to-fork business is inviting families across Ayrshire and beyond to join in the inaugural celebratio­n by enjoying a square sausage breakfast, lunch or dinner on the day, chosen because the 25th is a ‘square’ number!

While the origins of the square sausage, also commonly known as Lorne sausage, remain a mystery, its status as an iconic Scottish food is undeniable. A well-known Scottish myth is that it was invented by Glasgow comedian Tommy Lorne, contrary to the widely-held belief that a West Coast butcher in the Firth of Lorne created it.

Because a square sausage slice is thinner than a link sausage, it takes less time and energy to cook, making it a more convenient and less energyinte­nsive alternativ­e.

We hae meat will celebrate National Square Sausage Day on March 25 by donating square sausage meals to the Dailly Community Pantry and Dailly Primary School, and sharing tips on social media on the best ways to cook and serve a slice.

Craig Chalmers, commercial manager at We hae meat, said: “We have a genuine passion for the square sausage and we’re very excited to declare March 25 the world’s first National Square Sausage Day. What’s not to love about a square sausage? It’s locally produced and the perfect shape for a breakfast roll, with no slicing required and it won’t fall out! And because it’s thinner it takes less time to cook than a link sausage, meaning when you switch to square sausage, you’re taking a small step in reducing your energy consumptio­n.”

To find out more, go to https:// wehaemeat.com/

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