Bangor Mail

Everest trek in memory of brother killed by epilepsy


SIBLINGS will trek to Everest base camp to remember their brother who died suddenly of epilepsy.

Angharad Jones, 23, and her brother Gerallt, 30, are taking on the challenge to raise awareness of the risks of epilepsy, which killed their 25-year-old brother Dafydd in May 2013.

They have already raised more than £7,000 for Epilepsy Research UK and the trip to Nepal in March will be selffunded.

The 14-day trek will see the pair reach a height of 5,545m, and they have been preparing with frequent hikes up Snowdon and circuit training.

Speaking to the Mail, Angharad said she did not know epilepsy could be fatal until Dafydd died of SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy).

Angharad, from Moelfre, said: “He was my big brother, he was so much fun and such a character. I miss him every day.

“Me and Gerallt went up Snowdon last year and decided we should do something to remember Dafydd.

“Nepal is somewhere I have always wanted to visit and I think it would be a good way to remember Dafydd.

“But not just that, it’s about raising awareness. I had no idea epilepsy was fatal. It is actually quite common and people don’t realise – well, I didn’t.”

Angharad works for Rondo Media in Caernarfon and created an awareness video for her masters degree which was used by the American Epilepsy Society at their recent conference.

Angharad said her brother had always had an interest in films.

“It’s a funny thing really, we always used to watch films together and that’s how I got into animation,” she said.

“For some reason he decided to go into cheffing instead, but my passion for films definitely started with him. He was a massive film fan.”

The brother and sister originally aimed to raise £5,000 on online fundraisin­g site JustGiving but have already soared past £7,300.

Angharad continued: “If we were to raise £8,000 that would be such an achievemen­t, I’d be so proud.

“We decided to donate to Epilepsy Research UK as they are the only national charity dedicated to funding independen­t scientific research into epilepsy in the UK.”

 ??  ?? Angharad and Gerallt and (left) Dafydd who died fromf epilepsy
Angharad and Gerallt and (left) Dafydd who died fromf epilepsy

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