Bangor Mail



EGLWYS BACH COMMUNITY HALL: MEMORY CAFE: Come today (Wednesday, January 18) to the Memory Cafe support group for people living with dementia. Enjoy ‘panad and cake’ in a friendly environmen­t, join in with activities (families and Carers all welcome). Meet every 3rd Wednesday in the month (2-4pm) at Eglwys Bach Community Hall, Newborough. Ring 0124844032­8 for more details. CUPPA AND CHAT/PANAD A SGWRS: Why don’t you drop in on Fridays between 10.30am-noon to meet friends old and new over tea/coffee and homemade cake? Book and magazine exchange, free raffle. To find out more ring 01248 440328. PLAY CIRCLE/CHWAERAE CYLCH: Softplay sessions Thursdays 9.30-11.30am for babies/toddlers. £2 to include drink. Ring Andrea 01248 723063 for informatio­n. PILATES: Tuesdays 1-2pm. RIng Sue on 0780834725­3 for details. KEEP FIT: Sessions are held on Tuesdays 6-7pm. £4. Contact Angharad on 0781110681­2 or visit Facebook “Anywhere Personal Training”. NEWBOROUGH WALKING GROUP: The group meets on Thursdays outside Eglwys Bach 10am for a two hour walk, weather permitting, transport provided if the walk is further afield. All levels of fitness catered for. Ring 01248 440391 to find out more. BABANOD RHOSYR: Are you a parent/ carer or Registered Childminde­r of a baby or toddler? If so,visit this friendly group that meets on Mondays and Fridays 1pm -2.30pm in Eglwys Bach Community Hall. If you live locally to Newborough or further away and want a fun and safe environmen­t for your baby or toddler and would like to make new friends too, why don’t you call in and give it a try! 50p each adult and each child. Ring Andrea on 01248 723063. PRITCHARD JONES INSTITUTE: Oriel Rhosyr, open to all, Tuesday 10am-2pm. Computer Courses, Thursdays, 1-3.30pm. Library, open Monday 10am-noon, Wednesday 2-5pm. Friday 2-4pm. NEWBOROUGH LEISURE CLUB: enjoyed an excellent late Christmas lunch at Seiont Manor on January 11. On February 1 there will be a tea party to celebrate Saint Dwynwen’s Day, thanks to a grant from Age Cymru Winter Celebratio­n, and on February 8 menus and cash (£20.50 for members and £24.50 for guests) will be collected for the Spring trip to the “Royal Oak” at Bettws y Coed on 8 March. The speaker at the 8 February meeting will be Sandra Roberts of Age Cymru.

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