Bangor Mail

Six-knife thug threatened to cut woman’s finger off


A MAN who armed himself with six steak knives before threatenin­g to cut a woman’s finger off in a shop, has been locked up for two years.

Luke Thomas Miles, 26, of Rock Street, Holyhead, was drunk and on Ecstasy when the incident at Millbank Stores happened.

Miles appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court yesterday for sentence.

The court heard Miles had been drinking and taking drugs and believed there were people in his house.

He took half a dozen steak knives from the kitchen before following his partner and one of her friends to the shop at around 6pm on December 16.

Both women were young babies.

CCTV footage later showed Miles, wearing a blue t-shirt, in an agitated state and brandishin­g a knife in the small shop.

Ffion Tomos, prosecutin­g, described to the court how Miles carrying then terrified the woman and shop staff.

She said: “At one point the defendant threatened to cut off the finger of one of the women. He was shouting and told staff he would smash up the shop.

“He asked if they wanted to see blood on the floor.

“Frightened staff alerted the shop owner, Emlyn Hughes, and he made his way to the premises.

“He found the defendant pointing a knife at his face and threatened him.” She added Miles was leaving and re-entering the shop while continuing to make threats until the police arrived and he tried to run away.

“Apprehende­d near the shop he struggled and shouted ‘I’ve been set up here’ and had to be held to the ground as he continued to struggle,” said Ms Tomos.

During a search of the shop and the surroundin­g area police found the steak knives which Miles had taken from his home.

Miles later admitted charges of affray and possessing a blade or pointed article in a public place.

In a victim personal statement summarised in court Mr Emlyn Hughes said he was quickly aware that Miles was not in his shop to steal anything but he feared for his safety and others.

He said he was very frightened and had no idea what Miles intended to do.

Simon Rogers, defending, said Miles accepted custody was inevitable but asked the court to take his guilty plea and his remorse into account.

“He asks through me to apologise for his behaviour. He is also ashamed of what he did in front of members of his family,” he said.

Mr Rogers added Miles had been drinking alcohol and had taken an ecstasy tablet which had had the opposite effect to that which he intended.

“He had expected it to make him feel relaxed,” said Mr Rogers.

Jailing him Judge Tracey LloydClark­e said: “This was a very serious case of its kind aggravated by the presence of small children.”

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Luke Thomas Miles

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