Bangor Mail



ANGLESEY’S opposition group has attacked plans to shave almost half a million pounds from the county’s education budget, which its leader says could lead to job cuts.

Councillor Llinos Medi, leader of the council’s Plaid Cymru group, has urged decision makers to reconsider its initial budget proposals.

Facing savings of around £3m in the forthcomin­g budget, the council’s ruling group has unveiled a raft of savings including an increase in the cost of school meals and pupils’ daily transport for those not entitled to free bus travel.

As well as a 3% council tax increase, residents also face an increase in care home fees and in rent for council-owned smallholdi­ngs.

But according to the Plaid Cymru opposition group, reducing the funding for schools by £490,000 will mean schools will have no option but to lay off staff..

She said: “The consultati­on document’ states that these efficiency savings will be achieved by reducing the budget allocated to schools or reducing the budget allocated to provide extra support for children.

“But reducing school costs by nearly half a million pounds will increase budgetary pressures to such an extent that schools will be left with no alternativ­e but to cut staff to balance their books.”

She added: “Whilst I appreciate that the Council has to make significan­t savings in order to balance the budget I am concerned that the cuts outlined for schools is counter-pro- ductive.

“We’re firmly of the view that the education system will not work effectivel­y unless there are adequate resources in place.

“With a number of major infrastruc­ture projects on the horizon for Anglesey now, more than ever, is the time to invest in thehe education of our chil- dren so that they can n gain the necessary skills and knowledge to take full advantage of future job opportunit­ies.”

In response, a spokespers­on for Anglesey Council said:aid: “As part of the 2017/18017/ 18 Budget Consultati­on,n, initial proposals included a reduction of £490,000 in non-teaching related school costs, which could be achieved through reducing the budget allocated to schools or reducing the budget allocated to provide additional support to pupils. “The consultati­on period ended in December 2016, and we are currently in the process of reviewing the feedback from Anglesey residents and other stakeholde­rs,sta including hea head teachers and school governors. “A Budget report will go before the Corpora rate Scrutiny Committee and Executivei­v next month w with the Full Counci cil to decide on its fin final Budget on Febru ruary 28.” C Cllr Medi also high highlighte­d concerns regard regarding the proposed increase increases in the cost of school mealsmea and bus transport costs for pupils. “A number of the young people that I’ve spoken to recently have told me of their concerns over these large increases. “They can see how their parents are already struggling to pay the bills and they’re worried how they will cope with these extra costs.

“I believe that we need to show a duty of care towards young families that may well already be struggling financiall­y so that they don’t fall into debt.”

But responding to Plaid Cymru’s concerns, council leader Ieuan Williams, said: “I think Plaid Cymru’s statement is premature given that the Executive has yet to formally discuss public response to the Budget consultati­on.

“Councillor­s will have the opportunit­y to formally discuss the Council’s budget proposals and public feedback received from the public in the coming weeks.”

He added: “Given the current financial climate facing all Welsh Councils, we face having to make tough decisions.

“As always, we will try to protect front line services and those that are most important to the people of Anglesey.”

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