Bangor Mail

Thought for the week


MOST of Wales has been riveted to television screens over recent weeks, watching with bated breath as teams from around the world battle it out on the rugby field.

I am amazed at the fitness levels of some of these huge chaps, who thunder into one another, even briefly getting knocked unconsciou­s – and who get back up on their feet, ignore the waiting buggy, and walk off the field to undergo a head-injury test.

“All for what?” you might ask. You may well have a point – it is, after all, only a game.

But in the first round of matches the drive to go for more, and to keep pressing on, to keep “trying” was because of the “bonus point” that would be awarded if they scored four tries in a match. Or, if the losing margin was 7 points or fewer. Pressing on! Pushing forward, trying harder – all for a bonus point, which of course could make all the difference at the end of the pool games as to whether the team reaches the knock-out stages.

We are encouraged in the scriptures to “consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10: 24)

Sometimes it’s the simple smile, a friendly “good morning”, a sympatheti­c tone being ready to listen, taking time to talk – making a difference to someone’s day. Sometimes going the extra mile, fulfilling a time-consuming task, even undertakin­g some labour of love that will be costly.

In God’s eyes there’s no “bonus point” for trying – salvation comes by faith alone in Jesus – but we are called to spur one another on!

David Hatch

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