Bangor Mail

General Knowledge Quiz


1. What is the staple diet of the adult leopard seal?

A Fish

B Penguins

C Crabs

D Jellyfish

2. Which partnershi­p wrote the musicals Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita?

A Simon and Garfunkel

B Rice and Lloyd Webber

C Gilbert and Sullivan

D Reece and Lloyd George

3. What is the name of the snooper who peered Through the Keyhole for David Frost?

A James Phillips

B Kelsey Grammer

C Loyd Grossman

D John Snow

4. What sort of creature is a booby?

A A seabird

B A jellyfish

C A monkey

D A dog

5. Which group released the album Mouth to Mouth in 1997? A The Smiths

B The Lemonheads

C Radiohead

D The Levellers

6. Which ITV2 comedy series stars Iain Stirling as a children’s TV presenter who dislikes kids? A Trolling

B Ghosting

C Buffering

D Sharing

Iain Stirling See Question 6

7. What name is given to the slab discovered in Egypt in 1799 which became the key to decipherin­g hieroglyph­ics?

A Ankara Stone

B Ka’thum Stone

C Rosetta Stone

D Nylarthrot­ep Stone

8. What is a shaddock? A A citrus tree

B A deep-sea fish

C A goblin

D A fishing net

9. Chris Isaak’s hit single Wicked Game featured in which David Lynch film?

A Mulholland Drive

B Wild at Heart

C The Straight Story

D Blue Velvet 10. Which song, sung at the Last Night of the Proms, is Thomas Arne’s most famous work?

A God Save the Queen

B Rule, Britannia!

C Land of Hope and Glory

D Ode to Joy

11. Which fish-eating seabird with a brightly coloured bill has the Latin name Fratercula arctica? A Pelican

B Penguin

C Osprey

D Puffin

12. Who had a number one hit single in 1956 with Just Walkin’ In The Rain?

A Sugar Ray

B Lionel Ray Ritchie

C Ritchie Johnson

D Johnnie Ray

13. Which British airship crashed on a flight to India in 1930?

A P-45

B Me109

C Z1

D R101

14. Of which New York theatre workshop was Lee Strasberg artistic director?

A Actors Studio

B Painters Studio

C Writers Studio

D Musicians Studio

15. In Greek mythology, which nymph faded away until only her voice remained?

A Peuce

B Echo

C Selene

D Tisiphone

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