Bangor Mail

Thought for the week


THE popularity of Instagram, Twittter (now X), Tik Tok and Facebook is an indicator of how desperate so many of us are to be noticed, liked and recognised.

However, so often when we use them, we project not who we truly are but what we want the world to know and hear about us.

We might broadcast what we see as other people’s faults, but we rarely touch on our own!

If we manage to maintain the cover up and keep transmitti­ng the fraudulent image, we can become increasing­ly hardened to who we really are.

The projected image becomes disconnect­ed from the real us.

Yet all the time we have to cope with advertisin­g and the media encouragin­g us to become preoccupie­d with our image-our clothing, cosmetics, possession­s etc. rather than the real person underneath.

In contrast Jesus of Nazareth said that this inner person is known so intimately by the God who created us we can call him Daddy (Abba).

Even the very hairs on our head are numbered and there is nowhere we can flee to avoid His presence. We are never forgotten and because He is a God of love we can turn to him in confidence even when we have messed up.

All He wants us to do is be honest with him. It’s an amazing fact that despite knowing what we are really like, He still loves us!

So forget projecting yourselves via the internet and trying to get as many Facebook friends as possible; the Creator of this amazing universe is ready to be your friend.

It’s as easy as a click on your computer or mobile phone.

All you have to do is get down on your knees and pray.

The God who knows you, loves you and wants the very best for you is waiting to hear from you.

Roger Boon

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