Barnsley Chronicle

Differeren­t approach needed to migrants


PUZZLED, address supplied

Am I the only person that is wondering what is going on with these migrants we see wandering about Barnsley?

My understand­ing is that when they come over on the boats from Calais they are placed in hotels around the country with 3 meals a day and heating.

They stay there whilst their claim for asylum is processed. The bill to the taxpayer is astronomic­al and, at a time, when our own population is struggling with their finances.

From the media, we are led to believe that people are existing on handouts and when the winter comes many will be unable to afford to heat their houses properly – even in my house we are concerned about heating bills.

How can it be fair that the migrants don’t have to worry about food and heating bills?

There is also the problem of the NHS. The Conservati­ves are giving free access to the NHS when the NHS cannot cope providing a proper service to those who have contribute­d into for many a year.

Some time ago I wrote to both my MP and Priti Patel suggesting the government buy a large disused cruise ship and keep it moored off Dover. Here the migrants could do their own cooking, wash their clothes and educate their children.

If successful, they could enter the UK and if they failed they could be flown back to their own country.

I have looked on the internet and it is clear that other countries in Europe are dealing with the problem much differentl­y.

They are not funding huge hotel bills like the UK, they are getting on, hearing the asylum claims and if they fail, flying them back to their own country.

I cannot understand why the government has not taken my advice as I think it would solve all their problems.

With the latest refugees arriving from Ukraine I am guessing that with so many hotels booked up by the Home Office there was no alternativ­e but to ask the British public to open their doors.

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