Barnsley Chronicle

Resist the temptation to get into the water...

- Milly Johnson

PLEASE kids do not dive in reservoirs and canals to cool down.

Parents have already lost too many young people who have gone out with their pals intent on having a great time in some water, some harmless fun, only to never come up through the surface again.

I imagine their pals are traumatise­d for life too and a lesson learned too late.

It’s a sad fact for young people to realise that they are not invincible, that drugs taken at festivals and cold, clear water only kill other people and never them.

However strong a swimmer you are, your heart cannot cope with the shock of freezing water or with the strength of hidden currents or pills that can have anything in them because the people making them don’t care about you, only the money they’re sold for.

Don’t be a statistic. Don’t break your families’ hearts. Stay sensible and safe.

■ Going back to Barnsley’s starring role as the host town on Question Time, yes we did notice the panel weren’t relevant to us at all so it was an odd choice of a line-up.

And having once been sacked for having what was deemed a common accent, I always wonder at the intelligen­ce of people who equate our short-vowels with a reduced IQ.

Especially when the ‘ever-sofunny’ guy on Twitter thought we sounded thick and northern and he expected Jack Duckworth to appear at any minute and ask for one of Betty’s hot pots.

Nothing like showing everyone your own brain shortfall by saying Coronation Street is set in Yorkshire.

■ I had the first experience this week of pushing a fairylight pensioner in a wheelchair around Locke Park on a sunny day.

Even the slightest incline is flipping hard-going. And let’s not talk about the potholes on the paths.

We were going to head up to the tower but we gave it a miss. I’m not sure Geoff Capes could have shoved her up that hill.

Who’d have thought that a light stroll in the sunshine would have ended up being a full body work out?

How sad, also, to see that some people think it’s a wise idea to drag a big furry dog out for a stroll at the hottest part of the day. I wanted to force them into a fur coat and pull them round on a choke chain to see how they might like it. I suspect they wouldn’t much.

■ I’d never heard of James Hudson Taylor until a couple of years ago.

Shamefully we were never taught about him in school, which is dreadful really.

He might not have been part of the standard curriculum, but there’s a lot to be said for a bit of local history being taught as a bonus.

Yorkshire studies would be useful, and interestin­g and I would have thought an essential to know what your local area is capable of producing. Hudson Taylor, if you didn’t know, was a missionary who is credited with taking Christiani­ty to China.

His contributi­on to history was massive so it’s great that his life is set to be made into a multi-million pound film.

I hope it happens because it would be wonderful to spread the word about the amazing things our local people have done and maybe even eclipse the connection between us and Kim Kardashian’s bum.

We might even get some thickies from Twitter saying that they can’t understand why the Rovers Return and Elsie Tanner didn’t feature in it.

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