Barnsley Chronicle

Campaigner­s issue ultimatum to MPs

- By Josh Timlin

CAMPAIGNER­S who are set to lobby Barnsley’s Labour MPs over their stance on climate change have issued an ultimatum if the political party win the next general election.

Labour politician­s must promise to resign from the party within six months if, on gaining power, they do not stop all Tory oil licences, according to Just Stop Oil.

Campaigner­s started their latest campaign in Sheffield last Friday, targeting Labour MPs and the party’s candidates ahead of the general election later this year.

And, according to local members, their quest will continue – with Barnsley’s Labour representa­tives Dan Jarvis, Stephanie Peacock and John Healey all included on their hit list of MPs.

A spokespers­on said: “More oil and gas means instabilit­y, a never-ending cost-of-living crisis and an end to the rule of law.

“Labour politician­s must promise to resign from the party within six months if, on gaining power, they do not stop all Tory oil licences.

“Failure to do their duty to protect us would bring about the collapse of British society and kill millions.

“We will no longer tolerate a system that only benefits the super-rich.

“People all over the UK are coming together to protect our communitie­s and take back power from a selfish, criminal minority who only care about the profits of billionair­es, whilst ordinary people are struggling to afford food for their children.”

Just Stop Oil’s members have sparked controvers­y by damaging fine artworks and vandalisin­g luxury shops and car dealers, as well as daubing Scotland Yard – the Met Police’s headquarte­rs – with paint.

The group agreed to end its campaign of ‘non-violent, civil resistance’ when all Tory oil licences approved after 2021 are cancelled – but members have vowed to continue their effort if not.

One activist – David Nixon, of Kirkstall Road, Barnsley – already spent two spells in jail last year.

He added: “If serious action isn’t taken by the government to invest in renewable energy and stop oil operations in the North Sea, we’re doomed.

“It’s now black and white, completely clear – there isn’t a grey area.

“I have personally written to Dan Jarvis, MP for Barnsley Central, and Barnsley Council but neither’s worked.

“We’re attempting to force change by doing something and I will continue my efforts.”

Dan – who told the Chronicle that climate change is an important issue – blasted Just Stop Oil members’ previous actions.

He said: “The right to peaceful protest is at the heart of our democracy but that does not mean blocking roads, preventing motorists travelling to work or obstructin­g other vehicles, which endangers emergency services and the people to whom they provide help.

“Breaking the law and inconvenie­ncing the public only sets back the important cause of tackling climate change.”

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