Barnsley Chronicle

Council house rents rise by almost £6.50 a week

- By Jack Tolson

COUNCIL house tenants received a letter this week stating their rent will increase by almost eight per cent over the next year – but Berneslai Homes promised they will support residents who are feeling the pinch.

Last year Barnsley Council bosses, alongside Berneslai Homes, increased tenants’ rent by 6.5 per cent – slightly less than the maximum threshold increase of seven per cent.

It has now been confirmed that a rent rise of 7.7 per cent has been put forward by the council – representi­ng an average increase of £6.47 a week.

Council bosses have admitted that this may pose additional financial pressure on tenants, and have assured residents that those who are struggling will have the option of extra support.

A spokespers­on for Berneslai Homes said: “We’re continuing to support tenants.

“If you’re worried about the rent increase or struggling to pay any of your other bills or to buy essentials – please talk to us, we’re here to help.

“If you’re a Berneslai Homes tenant, then your rent will increase by 7.7 per cent from Monday April 1 2024.

“The rent increase works out at a weekly average of £6.47 per property.

“This means that we can continue to provide excellent services, carry out repairs, and deliver our planned programme of works so that tenants are comfortabl­e, safe, and live in a good quality home.”

Coun Robin Franklin, cabinet spokespers­on for regenerati­on and culture, added: “This is about protecting the long-term future of council housing in Barnsley, ensuring we get investment in our stock, delivering the repairs and management support tenants require of us, and the longer-term financial stability that we need.

“Living in a warm, safe home is essential for staying healthy and well, and this is something that every resident in Barnsley should have access to.”

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