Bath Chronicle

Protection­ist USA won’t do trade deals


It is now two years since the Brexit referendum. Brexiteers are still shouting “project fear” and “scaremonge­ring” at every fact or forecast that shows the folly of leaving the EU, but I am still waiting to see or hear of any positive outcomes real or even imagined that Brexit will deliver. As I see it Brexit claimed to offer five key things; firstly more money for our NHS, as delivered by savings from what we pay to Brussels. Unfortunat­ely, however Theresa May fudges the issue, it is clear that there is going to be a lot less money to go around after Brexit. Secondly, it made claims for a return of sovereignt­y, which we never actually lost. Thirdly, it claims to improve democracy. Certainly it will put more power into the hands of the current UK government, but their over-cosy relationsh­ip with big business and their willingnes­s to do away with multiple rights and protection­s does not suggest that the majority of people will benefit from this. For the millions who vote anything but Conservati­ve or Labour in England, such as Green or even UKIP, there will be no increase in democratic power or influence and without MEPS they may well have no meaningful representa­tion anywhere now. Fourthly, despite more people apparently being in work than ever before in the UK, and thousands of jobs going un-filled, especially in low-paid roles, we are led to believe that shutting the door on immigratio­n and sending thousands of hard-working foreigners home will benefit us, although this has so far added to the crisis in NHS staffing, and allowed crops to rot in the fields un-harvested. Lastly Brexit is claimed to give a huge boost to our economy by allowing greater freedoms of trade. You would think that countries queuing up for business would be more evident by now. Who is going to give us more business than the EU? Protection­ist and mercurial Trump? India who will want greater immigratio­n freedoms, China, who will have a no-mercy approach to isolationi­st UK, or unsavoury regimes like Saudi Arabia, or Turkey? Please sign the online petition for a People’s Vote on the Brexit deal. It is time to ditch Brexit. Liz Baldrian Newbridge Hill Bath

 ?? PICTURE: Chris J Ratcliffe/getty Images) ?? Brexit demonstrat­ors gather outside the Houses of Parliament
PICTURE: Chris J Ratcliffe/getty Images) Brexit demonstrat­ors gather outside the Houses of Parliament

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