Bath Chronicle

General Knowledge Crossword



1. Crisp golden-brown pancake with deep indentatio­ns on both sides (6) 4. In Hinduism, the creator of the cosmos (6) 9. 1966 Wimbledon men’s singles champion (6,7) 10. Small four-stringed Hawaiian guitar (7) 11. Tall palm native to S.E. Asia with white flowers (5) 12. Henry, author of the novel The Aspern Papers (5) 14. Colour of the ball worth seven points in snooker (5) 18. Fertile patch in a desert (5) 19. Tourist centre in Florida which houses Walt Disney World (7) 21. Heroine of Gone with the Wind (8,5) 22. Laurence, author of the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (6) 23. Weedy plant of the genus Urtica (6)


1. Former money used by Native North Americans made of cylindrica­l shells woven together (6) 2. 1939 James Joyce novel set in Dublin (9,4) 3. City in Belgium, the largest Frenchspea­king city in that country (5) 5. Rebecca, heroine of the novel Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (7) 6. 1978 Warren Beatty film made in 1941 as Here Comes Mr. Jordan (6,3,4) 7. In Hinduism, the appearance of a Hindu god in human or animal form (6) 8. Garden plant of the family Compositae (5) 13. Fifth letter of the Greek alphabet (7) 15 and 16. “The ---”, novel by Joyce Cary featuring the character Gulley Jimson (6,5) 16. See 15. 17. European umbellifer­ous plant, Levisticum officinale, whose aromatic fruits are used for flavouring food (6) 20. Sierra ---, African republic whose capital is Freetown (5)

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