Bath Chronicle

Tough crash ends Hunt’s worlds hopes

- Kersten van Kerckhoven/

The Hunt family’s BMX escapades continue to grow following their World Championsh­ips trip to Azerbaijan. Young prodigy Taylor, a former junior World Champion and twotime Bath Chronicle Sports Awards winner, was competing on the highest stage for the fourth time in Baku. And there was also an appearance from younger brother Jenson, 11, who reached the semi-finals. After a strong day of riding for 11-year-old Taylor on arrival, which saw him ride through three motos, a quarter- and semi-final, he was once again through to the showpiece finale. That race started well with Taylor battling it out for third place while on the second straight, only for disaster to strike. The youngster suffered a big crash and sustained a concussion, though still ended the day primed as the seventh best young rider on the planet. “He was elated as this is the third world final he has made and is the highest goal that most BMX riders set out to achieve,” said mum Vicky. “This is another huge achievemen­t for Taylor continuing a number of other successes and means automatic qualificat­ion for next years World Championsh­ips which will be held in Zolder, Belgium. “After returning home and recovering from his other bumps and bruises he’s now back in training and gearing up for the European Championsh­ips, which are going to be held in Sarrians, France during mid-july.” And on Jenson’s exploits, the proud parent added: “It is a fantastic achievemen­t for his age. He’s definitely following in his brothers footsteps.”

 ??  ?? Westfield BMX rider Taylor Hunt competed at his fourth World Championsh­ips in Azerbaijan, but crashed out in the final
Westfield BMX rider Taylor Hunt competed at his fourth World Championsh­ips in Azerbaijan, but crashed out in the final

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