Bath Chronicle

Girls cock-a-hoop with national title


Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics senior girls group performed the hoop routine of champions, taking the wellearned overall championsh­ips gold medal.

The senior team, aged between 15 and 21, and consisting of Tiola Gleeson, Selina Brown, Lola Cockburn Marsh, Evie Coles, Sarah Dennis and Lottie Wittich performed a passionate rope and ball routine scoring 10.300 finishing in fourth place with only 1.2 between first and fourth place on day one. The second day saw them taking the gold medal with an incredible hoop routine with a score of 11.5, with a combined score of 21.8. With Coles competing in her first British Championsh­ips and Cockburn Marsh at her last before starting university, it was an emotional and memorable moment for all involved. Team Bath juniors, consisting of 12 and 13 year olds Elena, Elisabeth, Elle, Kashvi, Rosie and Pelagia, took silver in the All-round Junior Elite group category, another silver for a superb clubs routine and bronze for a complex and beautiful ribbon set. Club chair Sarah Moon said: “The Team Bath rhythmic gymnastics coaches and I could not be more delighted or proud of our girls. “Such a strong, powerful and graceful demonstrat­ion of what these young women are capable of. “We look forward to supporting these girls all the way and inspiring the younger groups that are coming up after them.” The event was filmed by the BBC and available to be viewed on catch up. For informatio­n on the club email

 ??  ?? Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics have been celebratin­g national success
Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics have been celebratin­g national success
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