Bath Chronicle

Emersons Green Treatment Centre


Don’t leave home without it – Emerson Green NHS Treatment Centre’s lead pharmacist Cathy Cooke is giving advice on what to pack to ensure you stay well and have fun on holiday Cathy’s top tips include: n Ensure you have a sufficient supply of your regular prescripti­on medication and keep some in your hand luggage just in case your luggage gets lost. If you are in the UK and you have forgotten your medi- cation a local pharmacy may be able to give an emergency supply. n Have a supply of over-the- counter pain medication that will not adversely affect any other medical conditions you may have. Whilst most are generally acceptable in most countries, some over-thecounter painkiller­s are banned and possession can lead to criminal prosecutio­n. The Home Office website has a list of banned drugs: n Stomach bugs are easily picked up. The most important thing is to have plenty of fluids to avoid dehydratio­n. Pack anti-diarrhoea medication, the ‘melt on the tongue’ versions are particular­ly useful in areas where you may have concerns about the water supply. Rehydra- tion sachets will help you to replace electrolyt­es lost during vomiting or diarrhoea. n Dressings and plasters are a must, especially if you are planning activities such as cycling. Take bottled water or saline sachets for cleansing cuts, grazes or wounds and ready-prepared skin wipes can also be very handy. n Pack insect repellent and use it. Mosquitoes bite most at dawn and dusk. Keep bites clean with soap and water and do not be tempted to scratch as they can become infected. n Take, and use liberally, a good sun screen, with a SPF of at least 15 to protect against UVB and at least four-star UVA protection.

 ??  ?? Head pharmacist Cathy Cooke has some wise travel advice
Head pharmacist Cathy Cooke has some wise travel advice

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