Bath Chronicle

August is the perfect time to spread a little happiness

- WITH DR ELLIE MILBY Dr Ellie Milby is a counsellin­g psychologi­st

Each month the organisati­on Action for happiness, produces a calendar with daily actions to help people create a happier and kinder world for themselves and others. Every month has a different theme based on what research tells us about how we can lead happier and more fulfilling lives. From paying people compliment­s to giving away an inspiring book and donating blood, this month’s calendar – “Altruistic August” – is jam-packed with ideas for how we can spread a little happiness by helping others. There are lots of good reasons to make time for helping others. Increasing­ly, research is highlighti­ng the various benefits of generosity, kindness and altruism. For example, studies have shown that children who show empathy towards their peers are more likely to report happier moods, while people who are given small amounts of money to spend on other people experience a greater boost in happiness than people who are given money to spend on themselves. Giving also feels good. A study of over 1,700 volunteers found that they experience a “helper’s high”; intense pleasurabl­e feelings thought to be triggered by the brain’s release of endorphins, followed by a sustained period of calmness. Furthermor­e, the improved emotional wellbeing of volunteers has been shown to be a protective factor against stress and is also linked to improved physical health. Giving has been shown to have benefits for older people too. Volunteeri­ng in retirement has been linked to increased happiness, greater life satisfacti­on and maintained cognitive functionin­g. Altruism could even help us to live longer! Studies have found that older people who help others, whether friends, relatives or neighbours, live longer than those who do not have a role supporting others. The links between helping and happiness can also create a virtuous circle. Not only does helping other people increase happiness but happier people are more likely to help others. In case you need any more convincing to be more altruistic this August, remember, you don’t have to go big to make a difference. As Aesop said: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Go to actionforh­ altruistic-august to download your calendar.

 ??  ?? mind OVER MATTER happy people are more likely to help others
mind OVER MATTER happy people are more likely to help others
 ??  ?? Giving blood is one way to be altruistic
Giving blood is one way to be altruistic

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