Bath Chronicle

six reasons to...



1support weight Loss “Seaweed can support weight loss as it is high in fibre leaving one feeling fuller for longer and increasing satiety,” explains nutritioni­st alix woods in collaborat­ion with itsu, the healthy asian inspired eatery ( “The fibre is calorie free and encourages bowel regularity, ridding the body of toxins and waste. Not forgetting, the iodine content, which manages metabolic function and encourages weight loss.”

2antioxida­nts “Seaweed contains antioxidan­ts that help protect cells from free radical damage,” says alix. “Free radical damage is often the cause of diseases like heart disease. The antioxidan­ts help to dampen down and even stop the cell’s inflammato­ry response within the body.”

3HELP your Hormones IT is a good source of zinc, according to dr. Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural alternativ­es to Sugar (marilyngle­ “This mineral is vital for the health and maintenanc­e of reproducti­ve hormones in both men and women.”

4Energy saviour “Many varieties of seaweed, contain B12 which is often lacking in vegan and vegetarian diets, making it a valuable source,” says alix. “Simply add dried seaweed, chlorella and or spirulina to meals like soups and smoothies to optimise nutrition and nutrients daily.”

5take Care of your thyroid alix says: “Seaweed helps to regulate thyroid function, as it is rich in iodine and the amino acid, tyrosine. “The thyroid gland manages energy, growth, reproducti­on and cell repair. Iodine makes hormones to control metabolism and maintain energy.”

6HELP your Heart THIS superfood contains protective ‘pro heart’ nutrients that may reduce the risk of heart disease, alex reveals. “Seaweed has been found to reduce cholestero­l, with newer studies showing seaweed contains carbohydra­tes or fucans and peptides that help reduce blood clotting and lower high blood pressure.”

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